Shateka Husser Financial Solutions

Why does an annuity make sense?


Although there a lots of angles to be aware of, it’s well worth considering an annuity for your retirement — for several reasons:

  • Stability: Annuity income will arrive regularly and on schedule, thus giving you less stress than investments in the stock and/or bond markets, which will be more volatile. If you have, say, 10% of your net worth in a stock and it tanks, you’ll take a significant hit. The whole market can head south, too, occasionally by double digits, and it can stay down for some years. With fixed annuities, you don’t have to worry about how any market is doing. 
  • End-of-life protection: Lots of people are living well into their 90s and beyond, and that’s generally a good thing. But it does increase the possibility that they’ll run out of money before they die, as retirement coffers are usually not as plump as we’d like them to be. With an annuity, you’ll be guaranteed regular income — for the rest of your life, if that’s what you signed up for.
  • No attention needed: Finally, annuities require little of you once you buy them. You won’t have to be studying the stock market or following much business news. As we age, that’s something many people don’t have the interest or skill to do. It’s a fact: Many people experience cognitive impairment as they age.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m here to help! To your incredible FINANCIAL success! “RETIRE BEFORE YOU EXPIRE”

– SHATEKA Husser

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