Shateka Husser Financial Solutions

Retirement is the end of your professional life, but the beginning of a new life experience


Retirement is the end of your professional life, but the beginning of a new life experience; a life that you can enjoy to the fullest without the stress of work and having to live according to other people’s schedules and demands.

It’s the phase of life where you look back and enjoy all the hard work you’ve put in. That’s only possible if you’ve been fortunate enough to plan ahead because, in many cases, while retirement may rid you of daily work schedules, it may mean a loss of income.

We offer a strategy to ensure a worry-free retired life with our retirement plans. Do you have a 5-year retirement plan?

If not, head over to to book your consultation. We are now accepting new clients.


If you are already a client seeking additional wealth-building strategies from wealth-building strategists, this is our annual client appreciation and community-building event.

Go register at

As a FAST ACTION BONUS, we’ve added five free bonus masterclasses (covering non-mainstream real estate investing and wealth-building strategies by some of the top strategists in Baltimore) for those purchasing a Platinum VIP ticket.

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